Ranked in the top 3 painters and decorators in Warrington

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If you would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us. A member of our professional team is always on hand waiting to answer any questions or queries.


Learn more about Paul Walters High Class Decorator, and how we have come to be one of Warrington's most trusted painting and decorating companies

Established over 10 years ago, and with many years experience in the painting and decorating trade, we are a professional, reliable and fully accredited company operating in Warrington and the wider area.

We take great pride in all work which we undertake, taking great care to make sure that our client’s needs are met in a meticulous and professional manner. All of our staff are fully qualified to complete the task at hand, and we operate to all modern governed standards. We have an exemplary track record when it comes to meeting our clients’ needs, and we are confident that we can exceed your expectations when it comes to your next painting and decorating project.

Paul Walters High Class Decorator - A premium painting and decorating company in Warrington

Here at we have built up an excellent reputation in our local area by offering the most comprehensive and expert service in Warrington. From the planning stage to the finished article; we are with you every step of the way, making sure that whatever the task, you are completely satisfied with the end result. You can also rest assured that you will be receiving a professional, yet personal service for each job that we attend.

Looking for a quote for any work in Warrington?

With so many years working in the trade, we are happy to answer any queries and provide quotes for any work that you are looking to have done. If you are in need of any work in Cheshire or the surrounding areas, then give Paul Walters High Class Decorator a call on 07748 121365, or send us a message through our quote form below.

Only the highest quality products

Receive a no obligation quote

Fill out this quick and simple form to start the process. We will look into your specifics and contact you back as soon as possible with a bespoke quote for your exact needs. All quotes are no-obligation, and totally free.

How it works

The process of getting a quote couldn't be simpler, just fill out the form and we will be in touch. For more information feel free to contact us, we are always happy to help.

Tell us what you need

Fill out the form with your contact information and as much information about the job as possible.

Let us assess your needs

A member of the team will look at your specifics and create an individual quote.

We will contact you to discuss

Shortly after, an installer will contact you to explain your quote and if your happy with the price, we will discuss a start date.

*Please note that for some quotes a home visit might be necessary.

Commerical Work Undertaken
A Superior Finish
Specialist in Domestic Work

What do we offer?

With many years experience in the trade, we have built a large base of happy clients. Our many years experience means we can offer a wide range of services throughout Warrington. These include but are not limited to the following;

  • Commercial, industrial and domestic painting and decorating
  • Painting
  • Wallpaper hanging
  • Decorating
  • Bespoke finishes
  • Glosswork

Want to learn more about what we offer? View our services page to see a complete list of services.

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